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Virgo & The Hermit (August 2023)

The Hermit card from Elizabeth Haidle's Tarot deck "Tarot for All Ages" depicting a person in a hooded cape standing on a mountain top holding a lantern. The card is against a white background and surrounded by pink flowers.
The Hermit card from Elizabeth Haidle's Tarot deck "Tarot for All Ages"

Greetings Friends, 


    I invite you to slow down, brew up your favorite beverage, turn your phone on silent and let the outside world fade away. This is your time, to do your work. Its Virgo Season and the distractions can wait. 

    Virgo is often associated with The Hermit in the tarot as they both embody the wisdom of solitude. In fact, Virgo’s symbol, The Virgin, was originally understood as one who is whole within themselves. This clues us into the nature of the season, one in which we discern what is useful and necessary for our earthly creations versus what is no longer of service. The Hermit learns these lessons by pulling back from societal narratives and listening to the teacher within. 

    Often depicted as an old man on a mountain top, Elizabeth Haidle interprets The Hermit in the form of a child in her tender, whimsical deck Tarot for All Ages. This depiction refreshes our sense of what it is to be wise, reminding us that, like our inner child, our inner light has always been with us. If you look closely, Haidle’s mountain is both a summit and a refuge, with a set of stairs tucked inside. This illustrates how the Hermit’s solitude is not lonely, but full of intricacies and details we only notice when given the space.

    In readings, the Hermit suggests a need for time alone and a reassurance of the fertility that lies within. Virgo is an Earth sign, one that rules the digestive system, the gut, the place in us that sorts through everything we take in, discerning what is nourishing and what can be released. Virgo is the energy that creates the space for life to be honored and upheld, for the Hermit to experience the luminous nature of their inner truth. S0 enjoy your earthiness this month without being too hard on yourself or others. The Hermit returns to the light within so they can then share it with the world.  


With love and inner light, 




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