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Standing Tall with the Emperor in Aries Season (March 2024)

A Redwood tree with the number four above it and green leaves and orange and red flowers below.
The Emperor Tarot Card, "The Wild Unknown Tarot" by Kim Krans

Greetings Friends,

Happy astrological new year! After surrendering to the Moon in Pisces season, we are reborn into the world with Aries! In the Tarot, Aries is associated with The Emperor, the card that reminds us of our right to exist as we are, without apology or explanation, the right to simply “be.”

In the Northern Hemisphere, Aries season aligns with the beginning of spring, the radical rebirth of nature and all the mess and beauty that comes with it. In readings, The Emperor is often a sign of structure, a container that is strong enough to allow the creative fires of Aries to burn without getting burnt out. 

In her inspired nature deck, The Wild Unknown Tarot, artist Kim Krans casts The Emperor as a Redwood tree. The Redwood is known for it's longevity, softness, and ability to weather the fiercest of flames. Redwood saplings start out small and vulnerable, subject to being easily crushed on the forest floor, a reminder of the raw exposure of new life. Yet their energy wants to burst forth and fulfill its potential to be a giant. 

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action but also conflict. As the charge of Aries seasons compels us to stand tall and take up space in the world, let it also teach us to respect the sacred space of others. Here we can take a lesson from the Redwood, whose power and glow is only made more magnificent by its fellow giants in the forest. 

With love and creative rebirth, 




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