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Scorpio & The Death Card (October 2023)

The Death card from Megan Wyreweden's tarot deck "Anima Mundi" depicts a snake halfway through shedding its skin against a black background with white roses. The roman numeral XIII is at the top. The card is against a white background and surrounded by purple flowers.
The Death card from Megan Wyreweden's tarot deck "Anima Mundi"

Greetings Dear Ones, 

Happy Spooky Season, for those who observe. After finding equilibrium in our partnerships with Libra, we explore our emotional depths with Scorpio. In the Tarot, Scorpio is associated with the Death card, number XIII, the archetype of radical transformation, alchemy and our capacity to feel into the truth.

In Megan Wyreweden's stunning nature deck Anima Mundi, we see the Death/ Rebirth archetype in deceptively simple form. The Death Adder sheds its outworn skin through movement, giving birth to its new self. While not necessarily painless, this process is necessary and non-negotiable for our evolution. The white roses evoke both a funeral and a christening, thresholds where the veil to the unseen are exquisitely thin.

Scorpio is ruled by both Mars and Pluto, planets known for decisive, relentless action. In its most evolved expression, this energy boldly reveals buried secrets, wounds, and truths that need to be unearthed for us to move forward.

Like all water signs, the language of Scorpio season is emotional, intimate and intense. It's also the language of the healer. If the truth sets us free, then the Death card can be seen as one of our greatest liberators, reminding us that we must witness our wounds in order to heal them. We must feel what needs feeling in order to transform the pain into the sweetness of rebirth. 

With love and sweet release, 



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