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Justice for Libra Season (September 2023)

The Justice card from Cedar McCloud’s deck "The Numinous Tarot", shows a nonbinary figure peacefully holding a sword with scales at their sides along with the moon and sun. The card is against a white background surrounded by red and yellow petals.
The Justice card from Cedar McCloud’s deck "The Numinous Tarot"

Greetings Beauties, 

Happy Fall Equinox, a time of balance between the dark and the light. After taking stock of our internal landscape in Virgo season, we’re prepared to honor our partnerships in the sign of Libra. In the Tarot, Libra is associated with the Justice card, the archetype of equality, accountability and the capacity to see “the other” as oneself.

 In Cedar McCloud’s lush, expansive deck The Numinous Tarot, we see the concept of equality illustrated through the Justice archetype on multiple levels. The most obvious being the scales, and the understanding that to strike a balance, we must stay centered. While the scales are traditionally depicted in Justice's left hand and the sword in Justice's right, here we see them incorporated into the sword's handle, giving the sword a stabilizing purpose, rather than being used as an instrument for separation. 

McCloud also casts a non-binary figure in the role of Justice, challenging dualism and inviting us into the wisdom of this card and this season. While Libra is an air sign relating to the intellect, it’s also ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty and connection. Thus, Libra’s approach is one that balances the head and the heart, aiming to unite rather than divide us. Likewise, McCloud’s Justice is not blind, they look at us directly, tenderly, welcoming us into our deeper reality, reminding us that, in the spiritual sense, we are inseparable. What we do to others, we do to ourselves, Justice teaches. Equality is a beautiful thing.

With love and balance, 




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