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Strength for Leo Season (July 2023)

A Tarot card showing a black and white illustration of a lion holding a rose in its mouth and the word "strength" at the bottom is shown surrounded by flowers against a white background. The lion has an infinity symbol on its forehead and above it is the Roman numeral XI in the sun.
Leo card from Kim Krans' Tarot deck "The Wild Unknown"

Hello Friends,

Welcome to the first installment of The Shortest Prayer, Astrology and Tarot newsletter! Thank you to all who have encouraged this offering and this work. My intention with this newsletter is to enrich our relationship with these tools and keep you up to date on how we can work together, one on one, or in community. This space will also serve as a container to celebrate and honor the changing seasons and rhythms that unite our lives. And with that in mind, Happy Leo Season!

As a Leo, this time of year is dear to me. Thus it feels fitting that we start with the tarot card most associated with it, Strength. Not to be confused with brute force or aggressive physicality, the Strength card symbolizes the wisdom that comes from leading with the heart. The image above is from Kim Krans' modern classic, The Wild Unknown Tarot. This deck is wonderful for those who want to move away from a human-centric tarot practice and see themselves through the imagery of our plant and animal kin.

What I love about Krans' interpretation of Strength is the kindness and beauty it conveys. The lion comes out of the darkness with a rose in their mouth and an infinity symbol at their third eye. This card appears when we are called to overcome adversity by maintaining an open heartFor many, this is one of the most difficult cards to embody, and likewise, the most transformational.

In most modern decks, Strength appears as the eighth card of the Major Arcana. In numerology, eight is the number of transformation, the infinity symbol turned on its head. In The Wild Unknown Tarot, it appears as number eleven, a more traditional placement, as well as the midway point of the Major Arcana, the threshold to the deeper mysteries. Wherever you find your Strength, the meaning remains the same, true courage comes from opening emotionally, not closing down. In fact, the word courage comes from the French “coeur”, which means heart.

In readings, I’ve seen this card appear when someone is starting to date again after a long hiatus and has fear about putting themselves out there. It has also appeared as a call to practice emotional mastery and the soft will of compassion in the face of systemic oppression and leaving an unhealthy job.

In every circumstance, Strength reminds us of the unbreakable power of our own inner beauty. When you see this card, take the rose it offers you, unfold your heart, and let yourself be transformed.

With Love and Strength,




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