Greetings Friends,
Let's take a breath... feel into our bodies... and remember... we're still here.... and we're not alone.
After the shock of Scorpio season dissipates, and the rattle of the Death card softens, we find ourselves in uncertain terrain. We look around and wonder, what comes next?
In the tarot, Sagittarius season is connected to Temperance, the card after Death. This card usually depicts an angelic figure walking on water, tempering the contents of two cups. There’s an otherworldly aspect to this card and when it surfaces in a reading, you know that Spirit has got you. And while you may not be sure where you’re headed, you’re not going there alone.
In Ramisha Sattar's "seriously unserious" collage (, the angel of temperance takes the form of a smoke colored kitten adorned with stars. To still believe in angels as we watch the world burn not only fortifies our resilience, but it also tempers the flames. This card offers a dose of the miraculous by reminding us that things are not always as they seem. That Death is not the end, and that grace can still arise during the darkest of times, and by some miracle, we can breathe it in.
With love and temperance,