Greetings Friends,
Happy Solstice. In the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year and the returning of the light. As 2024 draws to a close, we are invited to reflect on our personal rebirth and the ways in which we desire to grow.
After the blaze of Sagittarius season and the radical faith of the Temperance card, we enter the new year with a return to the Earth and the solid, steady magic of Capricorn Season. In astrology, each sign is divided into three parts, or decans. The first decan of Capricorn relates to the Two of Pentacles in the tarot. This card often depicts a juggler with two coins, out-lined by an infinity symbol, amidst a tumultuous seascape. When it shows up in a reading, it tells us we're in the midst of a major transformation regarding our body and our work, the realm of the Pentacles suit, and that we must focus on that which is most essential to our vitality.
In the rich, expressive imagery of The Fountain Tarot, we see the juggler becoming one with the ocean while keeping the pentacles mid air. This speaks to the immersive quality of this card, the necessity for focus, and the level headed determination that is Capricorn's signature. There is a practical magic here too, a reminder that by devoting ourselves to that which is ours to balance and uphold on Earth, we align with the flow of the great mystery and are remade by it's invincible force and grace.
With love and balance - Happy Solstice!