Greetings Friends,
To those in the Northern Hemisphere, Happy Winter Solstice, a celebration of the returning of the light! After reconnecting with spirit in the Temperance card, we turn our attention to our place in the world in Capricorn season. In the Tarot, Capricorn is associated with the often misunderstood Devil card, depicted hilariously in Megan Lynn Kott's Cat Tarot, as a golden retriever.
In the simplest terms, The Devil card teaches us not to give our divine power away. As spiritual beings, this may seem impossible. How can we deny our own essence? This is why the devil archetype is considered a trickster, a shadow energy that blocks our truth and makes us forget ourselves.
This archetype can show up in many different ways. We may trick ourselves into believing we're only valuable if we are successful in our career. Or we may feel powerless in relation to external things like shopping, drinking or, if you're a cat, golden retrievers. The levity of the Cat Tarot brings some much needed air into what can be a suffocating experience. Placing our power outside ourselves can leave us feeling helpless, trapped and alone.
Known as the sign that "gets it done", Capricorn can and will achieve what it sets out to do. As we enter the New Year and the grounding, determined, power of Capricorn season flows through us, it's important to set goals that align with our true values vs. the values of others. When we direct this energy on course with our spiritual path, the path of the heart, we liberate ourselves from false constructs and step into our real power. A beautiful way to start the New Year.
With love and liberation,