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Finding Hope with The Star in Aquarius Season (January 2023)

The Star card from Megan Wyreweden's tarot deck "Anima Mundi" depicts an Ibis against a blue starry sky. The Roman numeral XVII is at the top. The card is against a marbled white background with pink petals on the top left and bottom right corners
The Star card from Megan Wyreweden's tarot deck "Anima Mundi"

Greetings Friends,

Happy New Year! Congratulations on another collective circle around the sun! After reclaiming our power in Capricorn season, we open ourselves to connection with The Star. In the Tarot, The Star is associated with Aquarius, the sign that heals the masses by staying true to its unique vision.

In readings, The Star is a welcome sight. A symbol of hope, clarity and renewed light after the darkest of times. Though the hope offered by The Star is not that of the ego's desires being met, but rather a calming sense of serenity in the present. Like a sparkling starlit night, The Star inspires the sense that there is some kind of divine cosmic plan. And while we may not understand it, we can trust that we're not only involved, but essential.

In Megan Wyreweden's nature deck, Anima Mundi, we see the figure of the sacred Ibis basking in the light of the stars. In ancient Egypt, the Ibis was associated with the God Thoth, the deity of divine justice and knowledge. In practical terms, the Ibis is a resilient creature, who can easily use it's distinctly long beak to sift through muddy situations and find the nourishment they need. The energy of Aquarius is often characterized as that of an outsider, capable of viewing a situation from a uniquely wide lens. When aligning this viewpoint in service of healthy connection and equanimity, Aquarian energy allows for the greatest of humanitarians. Like the stars in the sky, this season reminds us of the healing power of our vast and shining interconnection. But only when we allow ourselves the perspective and presence to receive it.  

With love and starlight, 




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